After months and months of preparations, making contact
through all these new bizarre tools like Face Book , Hi 5 and Myspace, it was almost time for Mandeville Seido’s
33 anniversary reunion to get started. There was only 2 hours to go but in the back of my mind was the last year and half
of contemplation and planning.
I had success in locating some old contacts that we had
not seen in over 18 years. There was utter surprise when they realized just who was talking to them on the phone, some strange
voice saying osu, or even osu Sensei.
Jun Shihans Roger, Paul and Tony.
Kyoshi Debbs, senapai Norman, Jun S. George and Kyoshi Ronald
Oh the pain of an unplanned performance
senpai Ryan and Stephan
Kyoshi John, Debbie and Ronald
Yes Osu Sensei. For one person who I was able to locate
after 17 years was Senpai (Sensei) Philip Howson. Someone who I have a great a respect for and credit with laying my own personal
foundation in technique and training . It was enlightening having conversations with Sensei Philip after all those years and
can only imagine the feeling if he was able to make it down for the event.
Others like My good Friend Inger Delapena (Grant) had all
plans of coming but had to cancel due to situations beyond her control. It was the three musketeers back then, Inger, Kyoshi
Vern and I doing everything together, Vern the big brother and Inger the little sister. I wouldn’t venture to relate
the totally sane things we would do on our many excursions.
Jun Shihans
Laughing till tears
Sensei Enid, Dennis, Kyoshi,Val and Sensei Betty
Kyoshi John M.C.
our Friends from Mandeville Tae Kwon Do
Sabum Nim Micheal and Jolene
But the time was coming closer and here was the rain, not
the usual May showers mind you but a torrential down pour of epic proportions. Hardly anyone for that hour could even get
to their vehicles to move to the Bloomfield Great house where the banquet would be held. This of course put back the carefully
planned timing somewhat.But luckily with just over half an hour to go it started
to clear and the drops turned to a Mandeville drizzle.
With most of our main Guests arriving, we converged downstairs
to warn up with soup and finger foods, but soon had to head to the main dining room as the space started to fill rapidly on
the downstairs veranda.
Senpai David and Al
Angie and georgiann
The main event had a constant flow to it thanks to our
M.C. Kyoshi john Royes. As we say in Jamaica he was in his element (in him ackee) or
should we say he was on a roll. No one had a chance to be bored even when they may not have been privy to some of the Japanese
terms or traditions.
There were speeches from Kyoshi Ronald, Jun Shihan George,
Jun Shihan Tony, Kyoshi Vern and our special Guests from abroad Jun Shihan Roger Thyer- Jones and Jun Shihan Paul Williams.
This got us to the eating part of the proceedings and we
were entertained to a fantastic set by Mark Stevenson, violinist, as the various tables got their plates filled in the buffet
line.Our guests constantly commenting at the dexterity and fantastic ability
of Mark as people milled around him, sometimes barely escaping being impaled on his flashing bow as it came within inches
of their faces.
After everyone was seated we had a short video/ slide show
presentation that took us from the early days even before there was a Mandeville seido to the present time.Some having fun in the audience at pointing out to others just who was flashing across the screen.From Kyoshi John with head band in the early 80s and Senpai Bruce much smaller
and less intimidating to our present location at Caledonia Mall. It was well received and really brought a nostalgic mood
to the whole room.
Smithy, Jun Shihan, Senpai Donna, Kyoshi Debbs,
Kyoshi Vern and Senpai Norman
Here we continued with some more formalities. It was time
for presentations to some who have really helped us throughout the years and others for just being there as rocks of support.
Some of those being recognized were Jun Shihan George, Jun Shihan Tony, Jun Shihan Roger and Jun Shihan Paul. And special mention to two strong ladies of seido (weather they know it or not) Mrs. Val Royse and Angie
what can I say they deserve an award just for putting up with Kyoshi John and Jun Shihan George.
The evening was brought to a close with the introduction
of Miss Denyque Dontre recording artist, who took the evening to a fitting climax with her short well received set.
can you see yourself?
It was an evening with an air of true camaraderie and friendship.
A few who had not trained in many years were left wondering about the possibility of adjusting their schedules to possibly
begin training again. While some who never trained in karate were impressed at the sincerity and togetherness present.Not
necessarily because of us selling Seido Karate on the night, but because on simply walking into the area one could feel that
special relationship that radiates from those inside.As Kaicho Nakamura
says “Kizuna or special bond”
I think we went a long way in developing kizuna. All the family friends and karatekas present felt what that is like. It was a truly
a wonderful occasion that went better than I could have hoped and thanks to all who made it possible to stage this event.
Kyoshi Ronald Lyn
Event Chairman
Then,,, on Sunday at Little Ochie Sea food
Aligator Pond
Senpai Norman and Jun Shihan
to di worl
Picking their first lychees before leaving for aligator pond
November 2nd 2008
Black belt promotion Mandeville
On a welcome clear day after many days of rain in
Jamaica, black belts from across the island converged on the Mandeville dojo for another black belt promotion.From Kingston came Jun shihan Tony, Kyoshi John and other Senpais, while from St, Ann came Kyoshi Vern
and Senpai Oral. Endeavoring for promotion was :-
Senpai Olive Minnot , now Nidan.
Raquel Goodwill, shodan
Simin Case ,
Ryan Battick,
David mullings, jr. shodan
Stefan Morgan,
jr. shodan
Micheal Bell,
jr. shodan
Senpai Don and Olive
Ryan, Stefan and Micheal
Senpai David, probably dreaming of beating Senpai Bruce
It was a well earned promotion and all excelled in their techniques and basics. Jun Shihan Tony expressed his pleasure
for what he said was good form, especially from the young students who ranged from 12 years old to 15.
All were reminded after of their new responsibilities and urged not to let go of the experiences that they had garnered
on the day.“This is the true beginning of your martial art training”
“This is when your training truly starts”
“Use this as a sign to seek out the knowledge which you are expected to acquire in your continued training”
"Remember to always look at your black belt and your success in attaining it with humility"
Just some of the important advice offered to the new black belts after what was a grueling 4 hours of testing.
Congratulations to all new Senpais, we are all proud of you. Osu!